
This forum allows you to share experiences of cosmetic procedures. Do you have questions for others who have had the procedure done or want to hear from a doctor? Is there anything you wish you were told, or turned out really well? How has your procedure affected your self-esteem / your life?

For privacy, we ask you list initials only for yourself and your cosmetic professionals unless you have the doctor’s permission.

To participate click the Comment button, then hit Submit.

4 responses to “Forum

  1. Crystal

    Has anyone had veneers done? I am thinking about it but I’m not sure…

    • Cindy

      I had my two front teeth done with porcelain, that was 7 years ago and they still look great, it was not painful at all and I only had to get them adjusted(shaved) once in that period.

  2. Crystal

    Thank you. Did they look OK next to your other teeth?

  3. Cindy

    At first they seemed a bit whiter than my other teeth but after a week or two they blended in perfectly.

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